Sunday, December 23, 2012


We are taking a break with the blog. We hope to be back soon.

Stay Sweet and Happy New Year

Katie,David,Ben,Levi,Noah,Mia,Eden,and Ilana

Saturday, December 22, 2012

10 Days Old

Eden and Ilana are 10 days old and each child told me something they liked about each of them.

Ben-I like Eden's nose and she doesn't cry a lot. Ilana sleeps all day so that is good.

Levi-Eden has cute feet and Ilana likes when I hold her.

Noah-Well Mommy, Eden and I play all day together and she is so sweet. I like Ilana too she likes to play too and she has a cute nose.

Mia-Eden and Ilana are my baby dolls. No one can take them from me.

So you see Eden and Ilana got lots of love going on. But Noah is by far the most in love with them.

That sweet Terrific Three phase he is in!



We had a family snuggle as a family of 8 this morning and it was beyond perfect. Noah told me we should have them every morning!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The One Week Appointment


Quick post as I have dinner being made and last day of school for the year(2012) things to do!

Eden is now weighing 5lbs 10oz . She lost 3 oz.
Ilana is now weighing 5lbs 6oz . She lost 5 oz.

Pediatrician said both girls are doing outstanding!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One Week Old

Ilana and Eden

Eden and Ilana,

You are one week old as of 7:02 pm! Congrats girls! This week has been filled with lots of fun and and new experiences! I am happy to say I finished my first week of being a mom to 6 and so far so good! The entire family loves the two of you so so much! Countinue to be sweet, sleep and eat! 

Love you Eeds and Lans as your siblings call you.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More Pictures

 These were pictures on my phone that I am in love with! Enjoy!

Eden wide awake
Precious Eden

So cute and small Eden

Ilana sleeping

Sweet Dreams Ilana

Such a cute sleeper!
Hope your day is going well. Can't believe that Eden and Ilana will be a week old tomorrow evening!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mama, their way to cute

Your right Noah, they are way too cute. 

Happy Snuggling Sunday from,
David,Katie,Ben,Levi,Noah,Mia,Eden,and Ilana

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hanukkah Night 8

Ahhh last night!

It is so crazy that in the pass week we delivered the girls and brought them home!








Thanks for staying tuned for all of this weeks fun!


The Kids Reactions to the Girls

Ben-Mommy the girls are perfect. Thank you. I love them so so much.

Levi-I love them so much. More than any of my other siblings.

Noah-They are soo cute. Can they sleep in my room?

Mia-Smiles and giggles. All she ever wanted was a little sister and now she has two.

The 4 of them are head over heals in love with Eden and Ilana. They even have nicknames for them

Eds and Lana 

Melt me. Like way too cute for words. 

The best was the family snuggle we had before bed last night.

Coming Home

The girls are sleeping so I am quickly doing these posts! Yesterday we came home to my 4 children all wanting to hold them and see them. We didn't have the come to the hospital as our hospital has a funky kids policy. So here were the coming home pictures.
Eden sleeping peacefully

Ilana in the back and Eden in the front

Eden rubbing her eyes


Eden in front Ilana in back

Sleeping Ilana

One last post until the girls wake up I hope!


Pictures from The Hospital

Here are some pictures from the hospital! Enjoy!

Eden Alyssa sleeping.

Eden after a late night feeding

Ilana wide awake at 2 am

Hi pretty girl. Ilana
Ilana on the left Eden on the right!

The Birth Story

As I went to bed on December 11th I felt perfectly fine. Hadn't had a contraction in about 4 hours and was so tired all I wanted to do was go to sleep. So I went to bed.

Around 2:15am I felt this huge discomfort so I got up and noticed that the bed was wet so I then felt a HUGE contractions. Nicely tapped David at least 6 times before I said I am in labor in about as loud as I could be at 2:15 in the morning. He looked and me with a "What do you need at this time in the morning?" look. I said I was in labor and he jumped right up then. I think it had finally set in with him.

So we sat figured I couldn't be that far along so he told me that we could just sit up and watch TV. We watched Legally Blonde. Okay not his top pick but he said I could pick anything. Then around 4:15am I had the largest contraction I **had** ever felt. (had is like that as it gets worse).

So I called my mom, he called him mom. I called my best friend and her and her sweet 5:15am self came over. Thanks Becca!!

Me and David went into each of the kids rooms woke them up(Yes,all 4 feel right back to sleep) We told them how much we loved them and we would see them super soon and they would have 2 little sisters. Then I walked out of Mia's room(she was the last stop and began to sob). Last time I would be pregnancy in my house, last time I would say goodbye to my kids pregnant, last time we were in the house a family of 6. Last time I was pregnant. It was a lot for me to take in. Obviously I didn't take it so well. I cried from my house to the hospital. It is 20 minutes of just me sobbing. David is just sitting there driving trying to comfort me at 5:45 in the morning. I am 100% sure he had a bazillion other things running through his mind. I did too.

So then we reach the hospital and my doctor greets us with hugs. She has delivered all of our kids so the girls would be no different. We got in a room and just sat there. In pure silence. In awe. Very soon we would have our complete family. The nurse came in and got me all hooked up. There was nothing for her to do so we told her about the day we met up until about now. That took about 2 hours give or take. She just loved it and kept asking questions! I remember when I was cute and right out of college!
So when we got to the hospital my contractions were roughly 2-3 minutes apart. Finally at around 7:50 I was checked and told I was 2.5cm. Great. 7.5 to go and it is only 8am. After this my kids called and we then had a conversation. No crying and everyone was wide awake by then. So my mom came by and said hi.  She went and got Mia. Becca dropped Ben, Levi, and Noah off at school and then my mom got Mia and my friend Jenn who has a son who is Mia's age so nicely told us she would take her when we asked months ago. Good all 4 children are taken care off!

So my mom,dad,D's mom and dad as well and us were just sitting there for a bit waiting an waiting when at 9:30am. I reached 4cm! Go Katie! Did a little happy dance for that one! I then told them to go do some stuff and they could come back when ever. So I then took a little nap. I figured I will not be getting tons of sleep so better stock up now! Now back to my past contractions. I have been pregnant 5 times and this would be my 5th delivery. I had never in my life had worst contractions. It was just bad and horrible. So David and me decided to watch some TV to calm me down. It didn't work to well. Now imagine a 32 year old woman with a large stomach have the most terrible contractions ever. Not a pretty sight. Correct? Finally time to check me again! 5 cm yea! In 2 hours I gained a cm. Not very pleasing to me. But I figured the day is still young 11:30 be exact so let's relax and enjoy being pregnant.

I had friend's come and see me. That was a lot of fun. I was calling friends and texting them too. Then around 12:15 my siblings and their fiance/wife/husband came to see me! Seth,Lauren,Hannah,Bryan,Claire and Josh! Love the 6 of them to pieces! Then David's siblings came too! It was nice. All the parents siblings and all! It was pure bliss. His siblings are Jeff and his wife Alli and Stephanie and her husband Jason. Then they all said bye and went as I knew things were getting serious!

At 1:10 I finally got my epidural and was in pure bliss. Literally. I was the happiest I had been all day up to this point. I was checked and I had made it to 6cm yea! It was 1:15 so the nap was sounding good again so I took one. I woke up to a little girl looking at me. My mom went and got Mia from Jenn's. We snuggled for a bit and she blabbed about her day and about life. Typical Mia.

3:00pm hit and I am at 7 cm. So we have world best babysitter, I know everyone says this but we do. Jordyn rocks! She has been watching our kids since I was pregnant with Mia. We LOVE her. She stopped by and picked up Mia. When she got to our house,Becca was waiting to be relived as she picked up B,L,and N from school.So all 4 kids made it through the day! Awesome! Jordyn slept at our house so David could be with me.  Finally 4pm. 8cm! Yea Katie! My mom did the happy dance this time.

Then David and I just sat there and talked, and cried together. We couldn't believe we were becoming parents yet again. The years just go by way too fast. 4:30 rolls around in a blink of an eye and I am at 8.5. Still very calm and relaxed. I have done this before so I am not too worried.

The nurse said The babies will be here before 6. You are progressing so quickly. haha, you are one funny lady I thought!

David stood by me and held my hand the entire time. He was so calm,cool, and collective. He was perfect. He had done this 4 times already and acting like an old pro. I mean when you have 6 kids you get pretty good at these things.

I roll over and my doctor is ready to check me yet again! 9 cm she says happily. Yea just 1 more to go. The girls did that happy dance. This was at 5:05.

So we figured it would be happening any minute. We called the kids talked to them. Said we love you and would talk to them soon.

My mom,mother in law and David have been in the room for my deliveries so why should this be any different. It wasn't.

By the time I said said my goodbyes it was 5:30 and I was at 10.

So everyone went out of the room for 2 minutes and David and I spent it just sitting there.

Now the fun begins, around 5:40 I started pushing. I pushed and pushed and pushed.
 I was so uncomfortable. I change positions over 100 times I think. Finally my nurse said just one more big push. It was more than that though. I push then long breath, then long push. Then Finally at around 6:20 I hear"I see hair". In that moment all I wanted to do was just see one of the girls, so I pushed and took a huge breath in a did the largest push I could do. Her dead and shoulders were out. I need some more push. So I pushed and at 6:38 pm on 12.12.12 my sweet Baby A Eden Alyssa was born.

Well I wasn't finished and I got to just see Eden, I then started pushing again. I pushed and pushed and by 6:55 David goes she's almost here a couple more pushes. So I push and then I do one last big push and at 7:02 pm on 12.12.12 my sweet Baby B Ilana Claire was born

My sweet identical girls were here and all was good in the world.They were here. They were perfect and they were in our arms.They were 24 minutes apart. Eden will forever have the bragging rights!

Now onto how they came into the world and all that good stuff,
Eden was screaming. Using her lungs to tell she was here!
Eden weighs 5lbs 13oz and is 18 inches long. 

Ilana was a little calmer. She still was screaming but it was quieter. 
Ilana weighs 5lbs 11oz and is 18 inches long.

Eden and Ilana
The girls are perfect. My labor was outstanding and the fact I could deliver  both vaginally made it so much more special.

I hope you enjoyed following my pregnancy. It has been so much fun sharing it with you. I will try to be a good blogger but with 6 kids it gets hard.

Love Always,
Proud Mommy of Benjamin,Levi,Noah,Mia,Eden,and Ilana.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hanukkah Night 7

The Birth Story is in progress by the way. Maybe tonight or tomorrow but.....Hanukkah Night 7

With the Girls!

Eden Left Ilana Right!

Eden's Gift
Ben's Gift

Ilana's Gift

Levi's Gift

Noah's Gift

Mia's Gift

So night 1 with the girls should be interesting! They are napping so I had a quick little bit to post this. All in the shooting today are me and my family's thoughts and prayers tonight.


We are HOME!!

Yes, full family of 8 in under one roof. Crazy. Crazy things. Bare with me while I figure out this all! But I do have posts for you! Enjoy!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

First Full Day Picture!

They are almost 1 day old! Nonetheless Enjoy!

 My Two Cutie's! 


They're Here!

I will do a formal blog post but until then I leave you with this picture!

Hanukkah Nighs 5/6

So I was a little busy to do the post last night but the girls are sleeping so I figured I would do this quickly. 







So that's what my kids have gotten/are getting for last night and tonight! I also bought some stuff for the girls for Hanukkah just in case! Good thing I did!
Look for the birth post later tonight I hope!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Update As of 5:30 PM

So I am 5 cm and getting my epidural soon.  I will try and keep you all posted! 12:55

1:30-At 6 cm and got epidural!





5:30-10 cm! Starting pushing soon! Next post will be about the birth!!! Yea!!

Guess Who's


This Girl!!!! Finally! It's happening!!!! I promise to keep you all posted. It is 4:15AM here and my water broke around 2:30. Contractions are still not horrible but I will let you know! Wahoo!!!!

So excited!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hanukkah Night 4


Tonight all 4 got

It is called gelt and it is chocolate coins! They all loved it! Quick and easy!


Monday, December 10, 2012

36 Week Appointment

Today was my 36 Week appointment! Yea for making it this far!

My doctor brought another twin mom in and she was so sweet and told me has amazing it is that I made it to 36 weeks. My doctor now strongly believes that if the girls are born anytime now they are in good hands! Just what I want to be hearing. My mom went with me today. She was thrilled.  Both girls are developing so well! I am so proud of them! I have gained 94 pounds! Go Me! 

Eden's heartbeat was 186 and she is weighing 6lbs 1oz!

Ilana's heartbeat was 178 and she is weighing 6lbs 2oz!

Those are awesome weights! Yea girls!


Hanukkah Night 3

Having Fun?!?! I know I am!




Yes, Levi and Ben got the same thing as they have been asking for speakers so they each got some!
