Sunday, December 23, 2012


We are taking a break with the blog. We hope to be back soon.

Stay Sweet and Happy New Year

Katie,David,Ben,Levi,Noah,Mia,Eden,and Ilana

Saturday, December 22, 2012

10 Days Old

Eden and Ilana are 10 days old and each child told me something they liked about each of them.

Ben-I like Eden's nose and she doesn't cry a lot. Ilana sleeps all day so that is good.

Levi-Eden has cute feet and Ilana likes when I hold her.

Noah-Well Mommy, Eden and I play all day together and she is so sweet. I like Ilana too she likes to play too and she has a cute nose.

Mia-Eden and Ilana are my baby dolls. No one can take them from me.

So you see Eden and Ilana got lots of love going on. But Noah is by far the most in love with them.

That sweet Terrific Three phase he is in!



We had a family snuggle as a family of 8 this morning and it was beyond perfect. Noah told me we should have them every morning!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The One Week Appointment


Quick post as I have dinner being made and last day of school for the year(2012) things to do!

Eden is now weighing 5lbs 10oz . She lost 3 oz.
Ilana is now weighing 5lbs 6oz . She lost 5 oz.

Pediatrician said both girls are doing outstanding!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One Week Old

Ilana and Eden

Eden and Ilana,

You are one week old as of 7:02 pm! Congrats girls! This week has been filled with lots of fun and and new experiences! I am happy to say I finished my first week of being a mom to 6 and so far so good! The entire family loves the two of you so so much! Countinue to be sweet, sleep and eat! 

Love you Eeds and Lans as your siblings call you.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More Pictures

 These were pictures on my phone that I am in love with! Enjoy!

Eden wide awake
Precious Eden

So cute and small Eden

Ilana sleeping

Sweet Dreams Ilana

Such a cute sleeper!
Hope your day is going well. Can't believe that Eden and Ilana will be a week old tomorrow evening!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mama, their way to cute

Your right Noah, they are way too cute. 

Happy Snuggling Sunday from,
David,Katie,Ben,Levi,Noah,Mia,Eden,and Ilana